Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday Surprise.... blog award nomination!

A high school friend Katie messaged me about this blog award for newish bloggers with 200 or less followers.  The Liebster Award is a blog award given for others be exposed to my blog and know more about me.  I was completely surprised and thrilled that someone actually reads my ramblings.  

The Liebster award also has you pass it along to nominate other bloggers. The two additional rules require you to  list 11 facts about yourself, and then answer your nominator's 11 questions.  

My 11 quick facts:

1. I broke my right arm twice, prior to the age of 5.  

2. I LOVE a clean fridge!  I frequently reorganize, clean, and empty it.

3. Brandon and I celebrate valentine's day the same way every year (3 & counting), dinner at Chick-fil-a. And at the same table!

4. I love television! I can't help it.  It is my guilty pleasure. 

5. Pets of any kind drive me crazy. (I actually really don't like animals, only like animals at the zoo.)

6. I have never been in, nor will ever go into a haunted house.

7. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

8. I recently started a journal for Cambell.  I write in it periodically, and plan to give it to her when she graduates high school.  

9. A McDonald's sweet tea is the way to my heart.  It always makes a stressful day better.
10. I am a terrible at spelling. Terrible!

11. I don't think I will ever break my bad habit of biting my nails.  

Responses to Katie's 11 questions:

1. What is your favorite meal?
I love a good egg sandwich. Hungry or not hungry, it always just taste good and fills me right up. With mayonnaise and a single slice of pepper jack cheese, you can't go wrong. 

2. What is your biggest fear?
Not mothering my sweet Cambell. Let me explain by saying I'm saved by the good Lords sweet grace, but I lost my sweet momma at 7 years old. And it is always in the back of my mind that ill just get "7" with cam. 

3. What is your greatest accomplishment?
Becoming a wife and a mommy.  Nothing brings me greater joy even on the worst of days. And being a coaches wife is pretty special. 

4. Describe your perfect day.
Sleeping in a tad, breakfast at Cracker Barrel just before the lunch crowd ( with decaf coffee of course), an afternoon nap on top of the comforter ( I CANNOT nap in the covers during the middle of the day), and finishing with dinner at my table with the best meal I cook. 

5. Who do you look up to? 
My older cousins Wendy & Brooke. They are the best of mammas, wives, and people. They are more like my older and wiser :) sisters who have truly blessed me. & my sister. Whose  heart is of gold and doesn't see wrong in people. She is the ultimate helper and a wonderful friend. We are all very different but all  in the same too. 

6. What qualities do you look for in a friend? 
My truest friends are those I don't have to talk to everyday day, but we can pick up right where we left off. Honest, yet not critical. I love my friends that consider me and my family, their family and vice versa. 

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Still cheering from the stands as a coaches wife, with 3 kids in tow :) (that being the Lord blessed us, and I finally convinced Brandon three is a special number). Enjoying my home and the responsibilities that come with it. Worshiping in our church, Hardin Baptist, blogging frequently and providing encouragement to new bloggers, but most of all thanking Christ for whom all blessings flow.  

8. How has your blog impacted you?
I wanted to right with meaning, yet be honest with my own words. I'll admit I looked to other popular blogs - way out of my league - to see how they wrote and recapped their days and events.  But I quickly realized I wanted to write in my own honest way that reflected me. And I can't help but constantly think of catchy blog titles and fun events arise.  
-oh and I would LOVE to write a book! I just don't think I could sit still that long!-

9. Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
Read the book, then wait in agony for the movie to compare! 

10. What is your dream job?
A stay a home wife & mother. Taking care of my home and family and putting their needs first all day. The simple life of vacuuming and cooking is for me :) all while in full makeup and a slight heel of course. June Cleaver is my childhood hero, and still is!

11. What is your top reason for blogging?
I just wanted in the years to come, look that and relish in the joys of being newlyweds and parenting. I wanted to remember my words along with my pictures. I am really glad I took the plunge and braved the free backgrounds to ramble on, in what 50 years will be priceless pages of memories. 

Thank you , thank you Katie for thinking of me for this award and nominating me! It has been so fun responding to the questions and thinking of my own.  Now, I'm nominating and sending this fun to the following blogs:

Here are my blog nominations

Casey, at Life On Grand Avenue
Brooke, at 310 Grae Place
Wendy, at 8050 Place
Taylor, at Sweet Southern Nothings

Here are your 11 questions:

1. What is your greatest accomplishment? 2. What is your makeup must have?
3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
4. What is your greatest weakness?
5. What is your favorite quote/scripture/song for inspiration?
6. What/where is your happy place?
7. What is one hobby/skill you would like to possess? Why?
8. What is in your purse?
9. What is your most prized possession?
10. What do your friends say is your most outstanding quality?
11. What do you take away most from blogging?

Happy reading & responding, 

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